Kommentar |
Walking as a method in the social sciences has experienced a resurgence in the last decade, reviving experiments from dérive and sensobiographical walking, methods that have influenced ethnography, which deals with walking from an urban approach. This renewed interest has also had an impact on art, where Walking Art has been present as an artistic practice throughout art history, bringing it back to the forefront in artistic and performative terms by providing critical reflections influenced by the social sciences. In this course we will explore Walking Art and its relationship to the methods of walking explored by the social sciences and geography. We will bring into play the act of walking as an esthetic and performative practice and experiment with the relationship between body/mind and space/time. In this course we will engage with walking by exploring different methodologies from the social sciences, geography and the arts. These walks will be conducted along Berlin's streets discovering routes that have been culturally and artistically significant. The structure of the course will be a 'mobile lab" in which we will discuss and explore methods and theories in the IfEE classroom and in Berlin's urban space. We will also dedicate ourselves to the production of more-than-textual forms that multimodal discourse offers today. Finally, students will have the opportunity to present their multimodal work in a co-curated exhibition at the IfEE spaces (Amo Salon, Living Archive, GartEEn). *This course will have an accessible walking approach.
EXTRA: Learning targets in the context of European Ethnology: The target group is for BA students who already have basic practical and theoretical knowledge in ethnography and want to practise the methods they have acquired in previous courses. These will be challenged, discussed, and expanded with walking methodologies and Walking Art practices. In particular, it is for students who want to introduce their topics of interest and experiences from past ethnographic projects who have ‘fieldwalks’ as part of their research work or want to further explore with new methods of data collection. It is not necessary to have experience in creative and artistic production projects. Didactic concept: Critically responding to existing literature/work: it is crucial for researchers to know where their own research stands in the field, distinguish themselves from or build on already existing literature, and identify its ‘gaps’. In the course we will engage in critical reading sessions, where we will collectively analyse and compare texts related to walking as a method and Waking Art, as well, critically responding to existing more-textural-form referents of scholarship, such as audio-walks, sonic-essay, podcasts, short-videos and documentaries. Through this activity the student is expected to gain an understanding of what it takes to find one's own position in a field of research by critically looking into the existing literature, and by developing skills to respond to possible criticism regarding their own work. Special efforts will be made to invite researchers and artists who are applying walking methods in their work to share their theoretical and practical experimentations. Laboratory-workshop-format: The structure of the course as a "Mobile Lab" will allow students to test the methodological limits of their own research projects. The IfEE room and Berlin’s urban space will be transformed weekly into a creative-in-motion-laboratory, where meetings will be devoted to collecting, researching and practising different walking methods, such as Dérive, Sensobiographic walking, Sonic walking, Collective walking, Slow walking and Performative walking. These experiments will be documented through photos and videos of the interventions in public space and ‘Inefficient mapping’/drawing while walking (Knight, 2019), potentially to be exhibited at the end of the course. Final product: Exhibition It is expected to produce a co-curated exhibition that brings together all the above-mentioned activities of the different participants in the project. Through the exhibition we will seek to document and combine the textual forms of knowledge production together with the creative approaches the students used to carry out their projects. With the technical equipment provided for the IfEE spaces (Amo Salon, Living Archive, Kiosk) such as projectors, screens, speakers, and lights, the students will have the opportunity to develop skills for the production of an exhibition, from curating, publicity, production and installation of their multimodal projects. The intention is to create an experimental and interactive exhibition through which the public can receive different kinds of knowledge and experience different sensory ways of receiving it. The final exhibition will be documented and archived in the Living Archive project's online catalogue repository.
Email: m@melaniegarland.com / garlandm@hu-berlin.de
Literatur |
Debord, G. (1956) Translated by Ken Knabb. "Theory of the Dérive". Les Lèvres Nues. Gutiérrez, A. (2019) Flâneuse, La caminanta | SoundingOut! https://soundstudiesblog.com/2019/08/12/flaneusela-caminanta/ Gutiérrez, A. (2021) Intersections: Acoustic Territories: a sonic and ethnographic study of Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Ammerman Center for Arts & Technology 16th Biennial Symposium Knight, L. (2019) Inefficient mapping: the ethical wayfinding potential of drawing while walking Journal of Public Pedagogies, Number 4. Guest Edited by WalkingLab: www.walkinglab.org Loveless, S. (2020) Tactical Soundwalking in the City A Feminist Turn from Eye to Ear. Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 30, pp. 99–103. McDonough, T, ed. (2004) Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents. Boston: October Press. Mythogeography, Kinga Araya’s Ten Steps: walking in circles - https://www.mythogeography.com/kinga-arayarsquos-ten-steps-walking-in-circles.html Podcast Episode 1: Introduction to Critical Walking Methodologies https://walkinglab.org/podcast/walkinglab-introduction-to-critical-walking-methodologies/ Springgay, S, Truman, S. (2018) Walking Methodologies in a More-than-Human World: WalkingLab. Press Routledge Westerkamp, H. (2001) Soundwalking. Westerkamp, Hildegard (1974) Sound Heritage, Volume III Number 4, Victoria B.C. Revised 2001. https://www.hildegardwesterkamp.ca/writings/writingsby/?post_id=13&title=soundwalking |