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Zugehörige Veranstaltungen für Fachbereich: Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Details ansehen zu: Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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5250132 19th-Century Radicalism and the British Novel
5250132i 19th-Century Radicalism and the British Novel
5250081 Academic Writing
5250082 Academic Writing: UK Topics
5250017ÜWP American Literary History II: 1918 to the Present
5250017 American Literary History II: 1918 to the Present
5250012 Aphra Behn in the European Context // Aphra Behn im europäischen Kontext
5250117 Argument Structure and Voice Phenomena
5250117i Argument Structure and Voice Phenomena
5250088 Ausgewählte Kapitel des Fremdsprachenunterrichts
5250013 British Genre Cinema (part I and II)
5250113 Class is Cancelled: Experimental Psycholinguistics
5250078 Classroom Discourse
5250103 Code Switching
5250103i Code Switching
5250103a Code Switching
5250039 Consecutive Interpreting II
5250072 Cultural Anxieties in Late Victorian Novels
5250072i Cultural Anxieties in Late Victorian Novels
5250076 Culture and Language Learning
5250130 Das gute Leben: Schlaglichter aus der englischen und deutschen Lit (18.-21. Jhdt)/The Good Life: Highlights from English and German Literatures (18th to 21st Centuries)
5250130ÜWP Das gute Leben: Schlaglichter aus der englischen und deutschen Lit (18.-21. Jhdt)/The Good Life: Highlights from English and German Literatures (18th to 21st Centuries)
5250030 Displaced: Contemporary Narratives of Involuntary Migration
5250DBL DuBois Lectures
5250011 Early Modern London
5250011ÜWP Early Modern London
5250087 Einführung in die Fremdsprachendidaktik
5250LÖ Einzeltermin Löbbermann
5250111i Empirical English Linguistics
5250111 Empirical English Linguistics
5250003i Emplotting (Un)Happiness: The British Novel in the Eighteenth Century
5250003 Emplotting (Un)Happiness: The British Novel in the Eighteenth Century
5250112 English-German Contrasts
5250112i English-German Contrasts
5250097 English Historical Linguistics and Dialectology
5250097i English Historical Linguistics and Dialectology
5250097a English Historical Linguistics and Dialectology
5250101 English Historical Syntax
5250101i English Historical Syntax
5250106 English Syntax
5250106i English Syntax
5250077 Grammar in the Classroom
5250099 Historical Morphology of English
5250099i Historical Morphology of English
5250091 Inklusion und Heterogenität im Englischunterricht
5250001i Introduction to Cultural Studies and Theory
5250001 Introduction to Cultural Studies and Theory
5250115 Introduction to Language
5250115i Introduction to Language
5250096 Introduction to Linguistics
5250118 Large Language Models for Language Data Analytics
5250118a Large Language Models for Language Data Analytics
5250026 Lektüreseminar ("Ausgewählte Epochen")
5250018 Lektüreübung - American Literary History II
5250018i Lektüreübung - American Literary History II
5250Sanchez Lektüreübung Onur Karaköse
5250089 Linguistik: Critical Discourse Analysis
5250086 Linguistik: Englischunterricht in multilingualen Lerngruppen
5250124 Linguistik: Second Language Acquisition
5250022i Literary Representations: Reading Barbie
5250022ÜWP Literary Representations: Reading Barbie
5250014 Literature and Testimony
5250014ÜWP Literature and Testimony
5250135 Literatures and Sound: Modernism, Harlem Renaissance and Beyond
5250095 Masterkolloquium
5250021 Monsters and Monstrosities
5250021i Monsters and Monstrosities
5250104 Morphology
5250104i Morphology
5250070 Non-Fiction Writing
5250075 Pedagogic Grammar
5250094 Perspektiven Fremdsprachendidaktischer Forschung
5250094ÜWP Perspektiven Fremdsprachendidaktischer Forschung
5250108 Phonetics & Phonology
5250108i Phonetics & Phonology
5250035 Posthuman Futures: Science Fiction, Biopunk, Cyberpunk
5250023 Postmodern Cinema
5250023i Postmodern Cinema
5250004 Postmodern Feminist Fiction and Theory
5250004i Postmodern Feminist Fiction and Theory
5250109i Pragmatics
5250109 Pragmatics
5250079 Presentation Skills for Academic Purposes
5250092 Problemfelder des Fremdsprachenlehrens und -lernens
5250092ÜWP Problemfelder des Fremdsprachenlehrens und -lernens
5250DA Prüfung Davies
5250033 Queer and Anti-Racist Reparative Readings
5250033ÜWP Queer and Anti-Racist Reparative Readings
5250Böhnke Raumreservierung Böhnke
5250Charlotte Raumreservierung Charlotte
5250022 Reading Barbie
5250007a Reading Poetry (Part I)
5250007i Reading Poetry (Part I)
5250007 Reading Poetry (Part I and Part II)
5250015 Research Colloquium I: Research Tools and Methods
5250116 Research Methods (Linguistics)
5250025a Research Methods (Literary and Cultural Studies)
5250131 Research Methods (Literary and Cultural Studies)
5250025b Research Methods (Literary and Cultural Studies)
5250025 Research Practice (Literary and Cultural Studies)
5250037 Romanticism and Nature
5250037i Romanticism and Nature
5250032 Saltwater: The Sea in North American Literature
5250032ÜWP Saltwater: The Sea in North American Literature
5250107 Semantics
5250107i Semantics
5250006 Shakespeare’s History Plays: Richard II, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, Henry V
5250006i Shakespeare’s History Plays: Richard II, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, Henry V
5250016ÜWP Shakespeare Variations: Drama - Narrative - Film
5250016 Shakespeare Variations: Drama - Narrative - Film
5250102 Sociolinguistics
5250102i Sociolinguistics
5250102a Sociolinguistics
5250002 Survey of English Literatures
5250002ÜWP Survey of English Literatures
5250002i Survey of English Literatures
5250084 Technology in the Classroom
5250114 Temporality in Language
5250114i Temporality in Language
5250027 The ‘Long’ Nineteenth Century in US Literature and Culture
5250027a The ‘Long’ Nineteenth Century in US Literature and Culture
5250083 Theater Games
5250010 Theatre of Cruelty: Violence in Post-World War II British Drama
5250010ÜWP Theatre of Cruelty: Violence in Post-World War II British Drama
5250136 The British Short Story from London to St. Lucia (and Back)
5250005i The Female Gothic
5250005 The Female Gothic
5250137 The Historical Novel and European Colonialism in East Africa
5250008a The Spectral Turn
5250008i The Spectral Turn
5250008 The Spectral Turn (Part I and II)
5250019 Topics in American History: The Nineteenth Century
5250100 Topics in Diachronic Linguistics
5250100i Topics in Diachronic Linguistics
5250098 Topics in grammatical variation
5250031 Transatlantic Symposium: Ecocriticism and the Anthropocene
5250133 "Troubles" Fiction
5250133i "Troubles" Fiction
5250044 Übung II: Contrastive Language Analysis
5250042 Übung III: Language Awareness/Oral Skills
5250041 Übung II: Oral Skills
5250040 Übung I: Language Awareness
5250043 Übung I: Written Academic Discourse
5250043a Übung I: Written Academic Discourse: Irish Women Writers (compact course)
5250134 Urban Fiction
5250134i Urban Fiction
5250080 US Current Events
5250085 Voices of Global English
5250090 Vorbereitung auf das Praxissemester
5250034 Whiteness: Chopin to Coates
5250034ÜWP Whiteness: Chopin to Coates
5250EH1 Workshop Ehlert
5250045 Writing the Term Paper
5250069 Written Expression: Creative Writing for Teachers
5250071 Written Expression: UK Topics
5250073 Written Expression: UK Topics
5250074 Written Expression: UK Topics
5250105 Written Expression: US Topics
5250XTU X-Tutorium Anna-Maria Kluge
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